day 21


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 21, 2009
Central VA
Hi. Today is day 21 for me and curiousity got the better of me. I have seen no signs of movement and heard no sounds. I candled three of the eggs. At one end is a 1/2 inch transparent space. When I flip the eggs over, I can see nothing but pitch black. This is my first time. Any advice out there?
I'm in the same situation!! I've just had two successfully hatch and one is in the egg at the moment and it is very wet and I can't locate his beak to help him breathe! I picked away at the shell and membrane to help him but I think I was just too rash and may have caused more trouble than good!

I've hatched lots of times but this is my first time properly with knowing about humidity and temperature and have never candled until now!! Always helped with those in trouble but never had one so early!

My advice would just be to leave well alone and let what happens happen! Put your incubator in lockdown and don't touch them until day 23 at least!!

Good luck hatching!!

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