Day 22 and Nothing...UPDATE

Patience...Did you candle on day 18 and see movement?...Your temps may have been off alittle and your humidity...chicks can hatch from day 19 to day 25.....hang in there....
Hi! I'm a newbie...saw your post. We have been having trouble hatching too...and it's NOT our incubator since we have successfully hatched twice for someone else. None of our eggs seem fertile. Last year we had a few but nothing much except from our light brahamas...and boy did we get plenty from them! Any suggestions? We are really at a loss here....
Day 22, and still nothing. I was wondering, though. It took me a while to get the humidity up to 70...Could that delay the hatch? Also, when I candle I don't see movement in ANY of my eggs, but I don't think my light is bright enough.
I haven't candled since day 18...How would I see pushing into the air cell now? I can't open the bator to candle, can i?
Opening the bator now is not a good thing to do, however i have done it to assist chicks that were having trouble and i'm sure others here have done the same thing. Just keep in mind if you decide to open the bator and candle you are taking a gamble and you will need to be able to get the humidity back up quickly and in the end you may lose some chicks by doing this. If it were me i would just wait it out a few more days, but eventually (after the 24th or 25th day) you will have to open it and figure out what went wrong if you don't get any to hatch. GOOD LUCK
I would wait it out....your temps could have been low and that would cause them to delay pipping....
I've kept my temps between 99 and 102...Humidity 40-45 til day 19 (oops) then up to 70...It's at 66 now, but I'm afraid to open the bator.

And of COURSE I feel wretched because my 7 year old is totally upset and I'm baffled...Plus, no eggs will be hatching until Feb. 5th...And I have 2 bators full and I'm afraid now that NONE will hatch!!
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