Day 22 - First Pips, baby and now 4 chicks with mamma hen!! Pics!!!

Ahhhhh I am in love
with these little babies! They are soooo sweet.
They've started to come out from underneath Lavender to eat and drink.
Then when they're done they all run back underneath her.
It's so cute!

One bad thing - Lavender did a HUGE poo (3 days worth) in the brooder.
I cleaned it up, but stinky!
Becareful about wanting a broody. LOL not all broodies are sweet. Some are well.... rather nasty. Take my broody turkey... OMG we have daily negotiations about whether she's going to take my hand off or not.

I have to check, some of the chickens have been laying in there with her and if I don't she's going to end up on 20 eggs. Most not hers.

At least she finally settled in to do the job now and isn't popping off the nest for every excuse imaginable.

I thought she was going to drive me mad with the whole is she broody or NOT thing.

Lavendar looks like a complete sweetheart, velociraptor/turkey broody is another thing entire.
Your babies are so cute! I've got eggs from equus2 under my broody too. Today is day 10 for us. I hope we have as good of hatching luck as you! I candled 5 eggs on day 6, and at least 4 were developing.


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