Day 22 & no hatch... should I candle?


In the Brooder
Nov 10, 2020
It's day 22 and we've been on lockdown since day 21. Our temps were a little low at the beginning of incubation at 99.5 in a still air incubator. We turned it up to 101 at around day 12 and it was at about 40-50% humidity until day 15 when I turned it down to 12% for three days because I was concerned it was too high. We're in lockdown at 58% humidity and we think we can see some slight movement of the egg but don't hear anything. What should I do? Should I carefully candle or do a float test? Any advice would be apprecited!
we think we can see some slight movement of the egg but don't hear anything. What should I do? Should I carefully candle or do a float test? Any advice would be apprecited!
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

Since your temp was low for over half of the incubation period.. your hatch will be late if anything is still developing, I don't know by how much.. so leave it alone and be patient.. listen for chirping.. Keep your humidity up.. you can even chirp to them.. Wave your light back and forth.. look for little shadow that indicates external pip.. but you can hear peeping even before that, after they pip the internal air cell.

What kind of eggs? Chicken? Color? Yours or shipped?

You can candle if there are NO external pips.. but I wouldn't since there's really nothing you can change. Any extra handling is risk of dropping.

Water candling is ALWAYS a bad idea.. IMO.. why risk drowning a chick etc.

Life finds a way.. hoping for a strong hatch! :fl:jumpy:jumpy
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

Since your temp was low for over half of the incubation period.. your hatch will be late if anything is still developing, I don't know by how much.. so leave it alone and be patient.. listen for chirping.. Keep your humidity up.. you can even chirp to them.. Wave your light back and forth.. look for little shadow that indicates external pip.. but you can hear peeping even before that, after they pip the internal air cell.

What kind of eggs? Chicken? Color? Yours or shipped?

You can candle if there are NO external pips.. but I wouldn't since there's really nothing you can change. Any extra handling is risk of dropping.

Water candling is ALWAYS a bad idea.. IMO.. why risk drowning a chick etc.

Life finds a way.. hoping for a strong hatch! :fl:jumpy:jumpy

Thank you!
The egg came from a friend and it looked like it was developing well when we candled at 7, 14 and 18 days.
.. while you have it out listen carefully .. main thing imo is if its internally pipped, you can hear it, and nothing has happened for a long time .. then it might be getting critical .. late in itself isnt anything to get too anxious about ..
Hi is there any update on this forum because I have some silkies hatching in the same situation? Did they eventually hatch?

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