Day 22, no pip, no movement


Jun 27, 2021
Today is day 22. I have had 12 out of 15 eggs hatch successfully and fluffy butts are now snuggling in the brooder. My last 3 eggs have not pipped, and when I candled them there was no movement. Here are pics:
Legbar egg:

Thought I saw a tiny bit of movement but it could’ve been me playing tricks on myself.
Easter Egger:

Zero movement, still visible veining.
Farm Egger mix (2 pics)


This one almost looked like yolk was moving inside. You can kind of see the liquid movement if you compare the two pics.

Thoughts? Do any of these eggs have a chance? I don’t want to toss them if any more might hatch…especially the legbar…

Thank you!

@MysteryChicken @PippinTheChicken @CluckNDoodle

Also please tag anyone else who might be able to help.
Today is day 22. I have had 12 out of 15 eggs hatch successfully and fluffy butts are now snuggling in the brooder. My last 3 eggs have not pipped, and when I candled them there was no movement. Here are pics:
Legbar egg:
View attachment 3155268
Thought I saw a tiny bit of movement but it could’ve been me playing tricks on myself.
Easter Egger:
View attachment 3155271
Zero movement, still visible veining.
Farm Egger mix (2 pics)
View attachment 3155272
View attachment 3155274
This one almost looked like yolk was moving inside. You can kind of see the liquid movement if you compare the two pics.

Thoughts? Do any of these eggs have a chance? I don’t want to toss them if any more might hatch…especially the legbar…

Thank you!

@MysteryChicken @PippinTheChicken @CluckNDoodle

Also please tag anyone else who might be able to help.
These were probably malpositioned, & died. If you're absolutely sure there's no movement, you can eggtopsy them, & determine what happened.
Today is day 22. I have had 12 out of 15 eggs hatch successfully and fluffy butts are now snuggling in the brooder. My last 3 eggs have not pipped, and when I candled them there was no movement. Here are pics:
Legbar egg:
View attachment 3155268
Thought I saw a tiny bit of movement but it could’ve been me playing tricks on myself.
Easter Egger:
View attachment 3155271
Zero movement, still visible veining.
Farm Egger mix (2 pics)
View attachment 3155272
View attachment 3155274
This one almost looked like yolk was moving inside. You can kind of see the liquid movement if you compare the two pics.

Thoughts? Do any of these eggs have a chance? I don’t want to toss them if any more might hatch…especially the legbar…

Thank you!

@MysteryChicken @PippinTheChicken @CluckNDoodle

Also please tag anyone else who might be able to help.

You could wait another day just to be sure but honestly based on the large area of the egg that isn't filled with a developed chick, I would say these chicks look like they quit before hatch day and never attempted to get into position for hatch. My guess would be around day 16-19ish, the first egg being the furthest along.

It takes longer for the blood vessels to recede when the chicks are further along so that could be why you're still seeing blood vessels but when in doubt, just wait a little longer.

How long ago did your last chick hatch?
Actually the second egg looks the furthest along and could be a malposition around day 20. It's very hard to tell from images so I'm guesstimating for you.
Thanks guys. I pulled them after candling for a few minutes to ensure there was absolutely no movement. Here are pics of the first two:

I did not open the third egg since it looked gooey/watery and it was too dark outside to do it out there and see anything.
Thanks guys. I pulled them after candling for a few minutes to ensure there was absolutely no movement. Here are pics of the first two:

I did not open the third egg since it looked gooey/watery and it was too dark outside to do it out there and see anything.

They look like they were malpositioned or quit right before getting in position for hatch. The fluid under the membrane on the right side egg probably means it quit a little earlier and started to decompose. The left egg is dryer so more likely to have been malpositioned.
They look like they were malpositioned or quit right before getting in position for hatch. The fluid under the membrane on the right side egg probably means it quit a little earlier and started to decompose. The left egg is dryer so more likely to have been malpositioned.
Thanks so much for that info. So it was nothing I could have done. That’s really good. I took the turner out day 17, also, to give them one more day to get in position.
Thanks so much for that info. So it was nothing I could have done. That’s really good. I took the turner out day 17, also, to give them one more day to get in position.

:hugs This just happens sometimes. Some breeds are more prone to it, like silkies for example or any chicken with a vaulted skull.
I have silkies on day 20 at the moment, I am to scared to open the incubator to candle incase shrinking wrapping occurs but I have seen no movement and heard no peeps.
should I just wait?

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