Day 22 still nothing...


5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
It's been 22 days since I put 7 eggs into my Brinsea mini advance incubator. This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. Temp is set correctly along with all other settings. I candled the eggs every few days and they consistently looked the same. However, I know my eggs are fertile. I made sure half the reservoir was full for the first 18 days. After that I filled both sides with water. What could have gone wrong?
It's been 22 days since I put 7 eggs into my Brinsea mini advance incubator. This is my first time trying to hatch eggs. Temp is set correctly along with all other settings. I candled the eggs every few days and they consistently looked the same. However, I know my eggs are fertile. I made sure half the reservoir was full for the first 18 days. After that I filled both sides with water. What could have gone wrong?

Since it's only day 22 I wouldn't worry yet. 21 days is more of a guideline than a rule. :) Give it until the end of day 25 before giving up hope and even then, candle extensively and if you're still not sure float test them
As sustained said 21 days is just a guide line not an absolute. Try not to worry too much yet, I know that's easier said than done. Are you sure you have counted your days correct too? Sometimes this causes unnecessary worry for people too. Day one starts after a full 24 hours of incubation. So say you set on a Monday at 9 am day one would be Tuesday at 9 am day two would be Wednesday at 9 am and so on......

Hope you get some action soon and good luck :fl
Well we still didn't have any pips. Cracked the eggs open to check and they looked like a normal egg. Still a yellow yolk, no chicks. Not sure what I did wrong...
Sorry to hear your eggs havnt produced any chicks for you :hugs

My first thought would be that if the eggs still look like normal eggs with the yolks and that you can't see even the start of an embryo that would point me towards the eggs not being fertile.

You havnt done anything wrong I beleive it to be the eggs. You have a great incubator there and if you have had it all set correct you have done nothing wrong. I incubate at 37.5 Celsius and 45% humidity day 1-18 and 65% for lockdown in my Brinsea.
I hope you give it another go and best of luck :frow
We have two roosters out with the girls. I checked all eggs for weeks before starting to collect eggs to incubate. All the ones I checked were fertile. I think I may have done something wrong with storing the eggs before putting them into the incubator.

I'll be trying again soon. Hopefully I'll have better luck.

First the eggs and now my bunny just gave birth to a stillborn kit, not a good week as far as babies go.
Sorry to hear sagealbright, not a good week by the sounds of it.

Try again, fingers crossed for a better result next time!

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