Day 23 - 2 out 24 hatched but now nothing


7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
PIttsburgh PA
On day 22 two of my peeps hatched and there was lots of movement from the other eggs. I left the two hatched peeps in until they dried but while they were in there they were moving the other eggs around. Now I don't see any movement and it looked as if one was cracking in and stopped. I picked it open and it was dead inside :( the two that hatched were the first set I put in, the one that died was a different breed that entered a day later and it looked as if it were full term but died after the other two rocked all the eggs.

Any help or suggestions? Is it possible that the others may hatch still? I used a flashlight and saw some did not even grow but others were full. Any chance they still have a chance? I am a first time hatcher.

Thanks :)
I tried with 3 of them. One I could tell nothing was there because it was a light brown egg and could tell it was empty. The others are dark and hard to tell. I had a one that cracked and started to break but then stopped. I took it out and crack it more and found a full term dead peep. I am afraid that is what the others may be. Not sure why they would move yesterday and not today. It's odd. My temp is at 99.5 and I made sure I had water in there at all times for humidity and turned twice a day until what I counted was day 18. I am baffled.
I think we all work on getting bigger hatches.

Last hatch I had, the 2 chicks were playing with an egg that pipped . That one was born dead with his beak out. So from now on I will make sure that can't happen.

2 were dead from probably day 14-15. I don't know why. The yolk was still full. Maybe they just don't like being shipped.
How do you keep the live ones from playing with the unhatched eggs? I need to find a local farm that sells fertilized eggs. I got eggs from Ohio (those hatched the 2 I have) and then from New Jersey and that was the one that was dead. I will keep trying :)
that is a great idea! Here's a question, "Don't the eggs have to be on their sides or can they be straight up and down like they are in the carton?

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