day 23 and I've had cherping!

Well been monitoring since about 9 there has been no pips and no more chirping. Just finished candling and 21 of my 30 were duds = ( still holding out hope for the last 9! I have laid them all on there sides. So we'll see if there is any activity in the morning, which will be day 24. Thanks for all the help!

@stout517 - any luck with those last 9?
 - any luck with those last 9?

@WVduckchick, no not so far. Last I checked there was one for sure alive but still no pip. If it's not externally pipped by tomorrow morning I believe I'm going to try and help it out a little. Nothing really to lose at this point I don't guess? I hate I killed all the others though =(, live and learn I guess. Thank you all for the help!
This is a silly question but are you 100% positive these are chicken eggs?
LOL IT's not always a silly Since I joined last October I have seen it twice now where someone has gotten what was supposed to be chicken eggs from an outside source, only to have little bills poke out instead of beaks.
This is a silly question but are you 100% positive these are chicken eggs?

Hahaha yes I'm sure they came from our other hens, unless we have a male duck prowling around when the roosters not looking lol
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