Day 23-update

I think our chicks are copying each other because one of mine piped this afternoon and he;s done not much since.
I'm such a worry wart!!
Good luck with your babies!
Good luck to you too Riocotesei!

New puppy had me up for a bathroom break, so I peeked in the bator. No change as of yet, pipped egg still looks the same. I still have a bad feeling about my eggs hatching, so I am trying not to get my hopes up. I wish just 1 chick would hatch and would be something for my almost a months worth of effort.
Ugh, this is torture!!

Today is day 22, still only the 1 egg pipped so far, but the little chick has 2 holes in the membrane and I can see its little beak. I have heard a few peeps, I am assuming its from the pipped one. Hopefully my hatch was delayed for some reason and this little guy is an early birdie.

Hmmm, I was just recounting my days and I think I made a slight error. I put half my eggs in the bator on the morning of Sept 25th and the rest went in the night of the 26th. So that puts me at today being day 21 for some of them and 22 for others. Maybe they aren't too far behind then
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Its not much of a time difference, but I hope its enough to account for a later hatch, possibly together with slightly low temps.

It at least gives me a bit of hope that they might still hatch!
I have 1 chickie

It looks yellow with 1 or 2 black dots on its back? It came out of a light tan/cream colored egg. Its in the center of the bator peeping away. No pips from any other eggs yet. Hurry and hatch babies!!

Heres the little cutie, still wet and tired.
Oh my gosh! Do you have a copy of my eggs? Lol the one chick that hatched for me is white with 2 black spots on it's upper back! Lol how crazy is that?
I have to admit though, my other chick that was pipped hached out last night.
It's still drying, but look like it's white.
Good luck oon your babies, I hope they hatch!!
LoL Whatta Kowinkidink! Congrats on your new babies!

Do you know what kind of chick yours is, with the black spots? What could they be...California Whites?

I hear some tapping coming from the side of the bator with my Faverolle eggs, so I am really hoping now!
Lol, You might could consider them that. Mine are mutts, but they are eggs from my flock.
The daddy is most likely my Leghorn roo and the possible moms are Silver laced Wyandotte, Black Australorp, Or RIR. I'm going to rule out the RIR cause it has black in it.
I don't know if you knew this, but Cali Whites are actually a mix breed. The mom is a Leghorn and the dad is a California Grey.
Nope had no clue lol

But its the only breed I could think of that was white with black spots and that farmers around here might have for good egg laying purposes. Mine could also be a barnyard mutt, no way to tell.

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