Day 24 and nothing.....


9 Years
Aug 10, 2010
Monroe New Jersey
Ok I am on day 24 and I haven't seen an egg move yet. I try to candle but they are so dark I can't see a darn thing....I have had the temp and humidity very constant 99.5 and humidity at around 45-50.. on day 18 raised the humidity up to 70.. and still nothing..... how long should Iwait till I toss them???
Sorry to say that they probably could be thrown out. Assuming that your temps were steady.
If they are black copper marans egg (I'm guessing because you mentioned they are very dark) 45-50% humidity may have been a bit high for them the first 18 days.
Because of their dark coloring that coats the egg they are tough to dry down like lighter colored eggs.

If you are not too squeemish you could crack a few open to see if they developed. If you find fully developed chicks, high humidity is most likely your answer.

They are Welsummer eggs.. interesting fact about about the egg shells. We thought our last batch had really hard shells.. these were shipped eggs....
Oh, I should have asked, shipped eggs can have poor (sometimes non-existent) hatches.
So much for my dissertation on humidity

They may have had a rough trip through the postal service.

You may still want to open some up to get some idea of what happened.

Dont throw them out yet, i didnt have any progress at all til day 24, id give it at least till tomorrow, maybe ven a day longer. The average hatch takes 19=24 days. And it can take longer if your temps were low. Is your incubator a still-air or do you have a fan? If its still air your temps should have been around 100-101 ish, Meaning your temps were just a tad low and that can make them hatch a day or two or even three days late.
Give it another 24 hours at least and let us know !
I have some shipped duck eggs in there as well and I can see the veins and they are still moving.. so there is some hope. As for tempeature and humidity everyone seems to have thier special numbers.. I just need to find mine.....but its a real bummer they aren't hatching....oh well that gives us a bit more time to finish off the new coop...I guess I'll get some more hatchery birds
I have a still air incubator.... I did not realize the temp needed to be higher.. the instructions say 99.5...I hope that some of the babies hatch out.. I'll give it a few days
99.5 is ideal, BUT a still air incubator doesnt have very good temp regulation so the top of the egg will be 101 while the bottom is 95. Thats why you need to run it a bit higher. Or install a fan on it.

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