day 27 of a duck egg, started to hatch but stopped!!!

I decided to help the duckling, Now he's fine, except his neck is completely crooked to the left side. something called the wry neck I think. :(
I think I should have helped him hatch yesterday maybe his neck wouldn't take shape this bad. I post some new pictures.

there is also some kind of scar like split on his beak!!! I don't think it's an important think, but not normal either.

any suggesions for his neck status...? :\

Aww, poor little guy! I have no experience with wry neck, so I have no suggestions to help. Hopefully someone else will?

Helping him out earlier probably would've helped, but that's always a tough call of when/if to help them out. The important thing is he's alive! Wishing you all the best with this little guy.
My poor duckling was suffering both from his neck and a runny nose, which wasblocking his nose in the last hours he was only able to breathe from mouth. became very silent and loner and now he is dead.. :( his last breathes in my hand :((((( I can hardly bare it now I'm crying while writing this... not more than ten days old :(( so unfair... can anyone please tell me what has happend? he was very healthy afew days ago running around and eating.. but suddenly I dont know what happend today...
:( there is no smiley here enough to show my grief...

I think it's the end of this topic :(((((((

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