Day !29! of a 28 day hatch, hellppppp

Successful couple of hours, after a bit of coaxing, number 1 pushed out of its shell.
The one successful duckling is snuggling up to his unhatched counterparts. It's time for bed, another sleepless night I think. Slow movement in the two remaining eggs, I've gently removed some shell to encourage them but that's all I want to do, gonna keep incubator shut as much as possible. Well that's all from me, hopefully a good result when I've to get up for school in 8 hours
As I thought, didn't get much sleep haha, checked the incubator nearly once every hour. At 4am the second one finally freed itself from its shell. It's now day 31. Both ducklings are hyper with activity, seem to be actively encouraging their brother/sister.
Hurray! Dispite being three days late, all three ducks are very happy. Shelly (living up to her name) has a bit of shell stuck to her so I'll need to research the best way to remove it. All three were semi-assisted hatches and they now are very healthy with lots of energy after getting some food and water. They're settling into their new home.

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Hurray! Dispite being three days late, all three ducks are very happy. Shelly (living up to her name) has a bit of shell stuck to her so I'll need to research the best way to remove it. All three were semi-assisted hatches and they now are very healthy with lots of energy after getting some food and water. They're settling into their new home.

AHHH they're so cute! The little duckling head tilt is the best thing ever. <3 Congrats on a 100% successful hatch rate, not an easy task for first-timers! I know how agonizing the wait can be, I truly do. I adore those lil' fuzz-butts!

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