Day 30: Write a review for a chance to win free feed. *To be eligible, you must post between May 31

I picked up both the regular Purina Oyster Strong and the Omega 3 formulas. My hens prefer the regular one. Don't have to worry about remembering to keep offering oyster shell on the side or if they are over eating/under eating it. I have actually had eggs fall onto the floor in the kitchen while baking and not break! Awesome job Purina! My flock and I love your Oyster Strong food!
Purina Layena Review
My chickens have been eating Purina Layena Food for 4 weeks. As I am a retired Science teacher, I am used to using the Scientific Method as a guide for any tests made. First I tested to see which the hens would prefer as far as taste. I compared the food to Southern Supply food which is a little cheaper . In order to figure out if they preferred the taste of one or the other, I placed a dish of each for the chickens to taste and decided to count the number of times the chickens ate from each dish in 10 minutes. This was inconclusive. Due to the pecking order, when one chicken of higher rank ate from one dish, the others went to the opposite dish. Several times the head chicken went to the other dish, and the other’s with lower ranks, traded places. It appeared that most of the time, the chicken would eat what was in close proximity, rather than taste each dish.
So as my chickens showed that they did not have discriminating tastes, I tried to see if the food made any difference in the egg quality. During the month, I got 3 huge eggs that were double yolkers, which was unusual. One measured 3 inches long, and 6 ½ inches in circumference at the largest point! Also, the eggs were heavier than normal which I attributed to heavier shells. The yolks were a beautiful bright orange-yellow. Out of 10 chickens, I began getting an average of 8 eggs a day. This increased from a normal 6-7. I also noticed that previously I was getting a few eggs a week that had rough shells. After using Purina, the shells are nice and smooth.
In conclusion, it appeared to me that both brands of food that I used were equal in taste. However, the Purina Layena seemed to give the eggs harder shells, prettier yolks, and larger eggs.
Due to this month’s trial, I plan to continue to feed my hens Purina Layena, both pellets and Crumbles. I feel the results are worth the extra 2 dollars or so a month.
I'm only into my second year raising chickens for eggs so lots to learn still. I've used Purina products in the past but this is my first experience with Oyster Strong. I have to say the girls love it and even through they free range during the day they start off and end each day with a batch of Oyster Strong Crumbles. They seem to really enjoy them and the eggs have been consistently solid even through the weather has been to extremes during the time period I've been using it. So, happy hens, great eggs, equal a good product.
I feed my Barred Rock hens Purina Layena with the Oyster Strong System. They lay beautiful large brown eggs. The shells are definitely thicker than what you would find in a grocery store. The yolk is a richer darker color and they taste amazing. Sometimes I actually have to try twice to crack an egg. I don't have any problems with the girls breaking eggs in the box and I don't have any problems with my accidentally breaking eggs. Typically when I collect eggs I just fill my pockets and head back to the house with no worries of broken eggs.

My Girls are Purina Girls. They were started on Purina Flockraiser, graduated to Purina Layena - now Oyster Strong, and enjoy a little Purina Scratch Grains as a treat. My 12 week olds will be starting their Purina Layena with Oyster Strong in a few weeks. The Purina Tradition continues. I don't trust my Girls to anyone else.

We Love Our Purina Products!
My hens would not eat regular oyster shells, so we tried the Purina Layena crumbles with Oyster Strong System, the hens and our rooster really love it and cannot get enough of it!. Our flock thank you for coming up with this wonderful product
Hello, I must say that I am now sold on Purina brand poultry feed. Some of my hens are older so I assumed that was the reason they were laying such soft weak eggs. That assumption was so wrong after taking the Oyster Strong System 30 day challenge . I have truly seen great improvement in my hens as well as wonderful strong eggs, no more soft egg shells here. My hens had no problem adjusting to the new feed. I am so happy that the bag of pellets are not full of powder like other brands . I did a little research on their food and I learned some great facts . The Purina Layena has added marigold extract to create deep yellow yolks. It also contains prebiotics, yeast and probiotics , no wonder my hens seem so much more vibrant . I love the fact that the grains Purina uses come from North America farms. They have a great website full of information I recommend everyone to check it out , . I invite all poultry owners to start the Oyster Strong 30 day Challenge so they can see for them selves how great the food is . Thank You all opinions are my own.
My hens love the Purina Oyster Strong Layena Crumbles! Their eggshells are nice and strong. I love knowing that they are getting everything they need from one bag. There's no more buying oyster shells separately, which makes me happy. Plus, you can't beat the price. I would recommend this product to all of my chicken lovin' friends!
So glad we have made the permanent switch to Oyster Strong Layena Pellets! Our ladies LOVE them and I'm seeing much less waste on this feed. I love that the oyster shell is already in the food- I've noticed a big difference in the strength of their shells! Since switching feed, one of our hens went broody and we hatched the next generation of Purina eaters! :) We have happy, healthy girls with beautiful feathers and I'm confident they're getting a complete feed.
My hens and I are all loving Purina Layena with the Oyster Strong System. They love the taste and I love that it's complete without having to buy and offer oyster shells separately. I often forget that I have an egg or two in my pocket, but with their strong shells, I have not had any breakage. Also, I had no problem switching them over from a different brand. They love it! Thank you Purina!
Purina's Oyster Strong Layer crumbles are the best, not only do they love the food but you can see the difference in their appearance! It also seems to have increased their laying production, we are getting more eggs than usual. The food is reasonably priced and all of the girls love it (even our picky eaters). I have already gotten 2 more bags!

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