Day 30: Write a review for a chance to win free feed. *To be eligible, you must post between May 31


Official BYC Sponsor
Official BYC Sponsor
5 Years
Nov 11, 2014
Write a review about the Oyster Strong
System product you used during the challenge for a chance to win free Purina® poultry feed.
Purina Layena Review
My chickens have been eating Purina Layena Food for 4 weeks. As I am a retired Science teacher, I am used to using the Scientific Method as a guide for any tests made. First I tested to see which the hens would prefer as far as taste. I compared the food to Southern Supply food which is a little cheaper . In order to figure out if they preferred the taste of one or the other, I placed a dish of each for the chickens to taste and decided to count the number of times the chickens ate from each dish in 10 minutes. This was inconclusive. Due to the pecking order, when one chicken of higher rank ate from one dish, the others went to the opposite dish. Several times the head chicken went to the other dish, and the other’s with lower ranks, traded places. It appeared that most of the time, the chicken would eat what was in close proximity, rather than taste each dish.
So as my chickens showed that they did not have discriminating tastes, I tried to see if the food made any difference in the egg quality. During the month, I got 3 huge eggs that were double yolkers, which was unusual. One measured 3 inches long, and 6 ½ inches in circumference at the largest point! Also, the eggs were heavier than normal which I attributed to heavier shells. The yolks were a beautiful bright orange-yellow. Out of 10 chickens, I began getting an average of 8 eggs a day. This increased from a normal 6-7. I also noticed that previously I was getting a few eggs a week that had rough shells. After using Purina, the shells are nice and smooth.
In conclusion, it appeared to me that both brands of food that I used were equal in taste. However, the Purina Layena seemed to give the eggs harder shells, prettier yolks, and larger eggs.
Due to this month’s trial, I plan to continue to feed my hens Purina Layena, both pellets and Crumbles. I feel the results are worth the extra 2 dollars or so a month.
I use Purina layena pellets with Oyster strong system. They love it! I love it too because that helps my girls happy and give us plenty of strong healthy eggs. No more rubber eggs. It is convenient to use because it's all there in a bag, you don't have to buy another bag of oyster shell. Healthy flocks
:happy famer. Would definitely recommend to others.
We give our hens Purina's Oyster Strong System Layena Plus Omega-3 feed. They love the pellets. We have not had a problem with wasted feed since they started eating it. Thank you, Purina!
I love to feed my birds the Layena Oyster Strong™ System because it includes the oyster shell in with the food and I don't have to worry about getting the oyster shell on its own and remember to put it out for the birds. They love to eat it and lay wonderful eggs. A great food for every great flock. :)
My hens love the oyster strong feed. There is no waste with the pellets. I have 30 hens, and have not had a single thin shelled egg. I have a 7 year old aracauna that is still laying beautiful green eggs almost every day. I will continue to feed this to my chickens.
I am very proactive in regards to the health of my girls. With the Purina Layena Plus Omega-3 Oyster Strong System food, my girls' eggs have stronger shells, the convenience of complete nutrition is in a single bag, and my customers and family are getting lots of Omega-3s for our health too! I highly recommend switching to Oyster Strong System feed.
I am new to Oyster Strong by Purina and my chickens love it. I think their egg quality has improved since using the oyster strong feed. I have noticed less feed waste with the oyster strong than with my previous layer pellets.
When I switched to Purina Oyster Strong feed, I immediately noticed a difference. Not only does the food last longer, the egg shells are stronger and my hens are happier. When I save money with the great price of Purina, I can pass along those savings to my egg buying customers. They also notice a difference in the strong shells and superior taste. I wouldn't use any other feed for my hens.
Purina pellets with Oyster Strong are great pellets. My hens love it and lay great strong eggs. I love it too cause the eggs taste so good and my girls are happy campers. I will continue to recommend this food to all my small flock friends. Thanks for letting us take this wonderful 30 day challenge. Kathy

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