2 male ducks, can I add females?


May 24, 2024
I have 2 male ducks that sometimes try to mount each other. I want to get a few females, probably 3-4.

These two males previously attached 2 ducklings that I tried to add to the flock. If I add adult females, will that be better?
It's recommended to have 3-4 females per drake to prevent overmating. Even then, an overzealous drake may need double that amount to keep him satisfied. When you have too few females you risk the drakes seriously injuring or even killing the females. If you are looking to get some females I would either get 6-8 minimum to mix with the boys. Or you could get 3-4 girls but keep them in a separate pen from the boys. Or you could get rid of one of your drakes and get a few girls.
The ratio is a guideline but I really do not think you can add 3-4 females with 2 drakes. Ducks that have been raised together from ducklings often do Ok with 1 drake to 2 females ratio. But I don't think you can add only 4 females to 2 drakes.

When you do get your females, keep them see but no touch for a while before giving them supervised time together

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