Day 33 hatch--didn't make it **pics of my keets**


13 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Tishomingo, MS
Most of my white guinea eggs began hatching on day 25. I had 19 keets hatched out by noon on June 30. I still have 2 eggs in the incubator that haven't pipped. I have candled and they are moving and active. They are going on day 32!! Anyone out there ever had this problem??
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My guineas have never gone that long without pip, but if you can see them move I'd leave them alone for another day or two.

I hope they hatch
Okay--it is day 32 and I just checked in on them. I have a pip!!! Hopefully they will both hatch just fine. I just can't get over how late they are.
The other egg still has not pipped, but I did candle it a few minutes ago and there is a LOT of movement so I expect a pip soon. I now have zipping on the other egg so hopefully I'll have another keet by tonight
Any chance that some of your birds are the french guineas? I don't know for sure, but the french guineas are supposed to be a lot bigger than regular ones, so I would imagine that this would make them take longer? All my eggs this year have hatched 2-3 days early, so a late hatch would have me freaking out!
He was out peeping away and I noticed the huge black thing attached to it. It looks as if it absorbed the embryo and then released waste back into the embryonic sack! I thought about removing it but it has a very large blood vessel running across it.


Needless to say, it is not doing very well now. It looks very thin compared to the other keets that hatched. I've tried to give it some sugar water to pep it up, but it just lays there. I'm scared about the other keet hatching now. I haven't seen this before, but if anyone has, please let know if there is something I can do! It just looks so pitiful

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