Day 5 Candling ...

The Cullinanes

5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
I have recently started to hatch some eggs, I am currently on day 5 with the incubator... I have candled but have no idea what I am looking for.
Can anyone help,
Many thanks, Kelly
That one looks infertile but then I don't bother to candle until day 7 at the least and usually wait until day 10. In 10 days things are very clear as to weather which are developing and which were infertile, never started or quit in first day or two. All the later are discarded and will look just like the one in your photo. Not to suggest that what you have is infertile or quit early rather to point out it's hard to see in the egg without a very good light and the basics of what you need to see are easy to observe at day 10 (dark development and veining vs. clear eggs).

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