Day 6 - Are these all yolkers?

Chipmunk Chicks

Free Ranging
May 24, 2022
New Jersey, USA






Hey guys, this is my first hatch from my favorite Black Australorp hen, Sydney, and my great big, gorgeous rooster, Othello. I am kind of bummed here.

I see one egg looks pretty porous, and the rest...? I just don't see anything that looks like clear development. I thought I would be seeing blood vessels forming on at least *some* of these here. I set the eggs almost a week ago, last Sunday evening, so 5/19. (These were taken Saturday evening 5/25).

She had been with him several times before I took these, so I don't see why every single one would be not developing. I see plenty of bullseyes in the other girls' eggs, too, but I don't know if that necessarily means everything is working properly.

Any idea what's going on here? Or how I should be handling this differently? I have five more eggs of hers I've been collecting this past week, getting ready to set in my other incubator - just hoping for one more tomorrow morning for another batch of six. TIA!
So of course there was no development there. It inset some more and sure enough I have three nice little eggs developing! The timer says they are on D-15. I set five more today, and I know four will need to be pulled. So I can see how it took two weeks for her old eggs to clear the cue, so to speak, and now she looks like we are in business!

I might try to get my egg fridge running and set another more full batch of 10-12 for the July 4th hatch date. That would be super fun!

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