Day 7. Candled. 1 chick not moving. Is it dead?

Jun 9, 2023
I see the blood vessels and that looks about the same as the other eggs. The chick doesn't move. All the other chicks were moving. Do they sleep or stay still for long periods of time? If there are blood vessels does that mean it's alive? The chick seems to slosh around if I move the egg gently. I am keeping it in the incubator and will try to candle again. I don't want to give up on any egg unless it's truly dead.
I leave them in at the week one candling if I'm not sure. By week 2 you'll definitely be able to tell. It doesn't hurt anything to leave them cooking for another week.
I checked it again. Still no movement and I saw the blood vessels starting to fall down and make the ring. It's a quitter unfortunately.

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