day old chick is weak and won't stop flipping its head back


11 Years
Mar 23, 2013
HELP! Got a new shipment of chicks in today (replacements of the losses from last shipment) 1 was DOA 5 are very perky and active and one will not stop laying its head on its neck and falling over. Anyone got any suggestions?

new babies 4-24-13.JPG
Try giving some gatorade or pedialyte, or even a little sugar in some water. I would just watch it a day or so and see if it recovers. And make sure the others aren't picking on it badly.
I have been feeding it electrolyte mix with an eye dropper and have it in an isolation pen. Will keep you posted. Thanks
It's called wry neck. I am dealing with it right now! It is treatable, but takes time and patience. Here is the directions I followed with positive results. I am still not out of the woods with my silkie, but it is back with it's hatch mates and holding it's own.

Be sure to know that you most likely will have good and bad days during treatment! 2 nights ago I was ready to cull as it was 4 days into treatment and doing horribly. The next morning I woke up to a regular looking chick , and except for a couple of times of stress that made it go back to a twisted neck for a moment or two, it has been doing great.

Good luck!
Thank you everyone for your advice. I wrapped the chick up in towel nest and fed it electrolytes for a few hours. She made it thought the night in the brooder with the other hatchlings. It made my day knowing that a little extra TLC saved her. Will post pictures later.
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