Day Old Chick with head trauma (unsure of how) Incessant Peeping


Jun 5, 2020
Hey there, first time chick mom here. I bought a flock of 8 chicks (laying hens) One of them I noticed had a scab of some sort on it’s head, pretty big. Looks dried up. Not sure when or how it happened as she came like that. She is eating and drinking but will not stop loudly cheeping. Also she seems to have some balance issues, which was definitely a lot worse when I brought her home (it’s been about 10 hours) I wasn’t sure if she was going to make it at first but she has rallied some. Seems to be getting stronger (less tumbling) but she can’t seem to stop for any length of time, she won’t rest. All the others kind of hunker down and she is just ploughing through them and sort of stumbling around, chirping all the while. When I google it, nothing matches up to the symptoms. Wondering if anyone here has had any experience with anything like this. Any input is appreciated. Thanks
They came from our local feed store and were just hatched yesterday. Not sure which hatchery they are from. We are located in Nova Scotia
Hopefully it will slowly continue to improve. I don't think you can do much except to maybe put some electrolytes in the water. I would assume if it has a head injury it's uncomfortable so it can't relax. I've had chicks I swore wouldn't make it rally and thrive.

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