day old chick with leg issues


6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
HELP, Please
i Have a newly hatched bantam chick who cant stand up. his legs aren't splayed, he is strong from his thigh to his hock, but then his legs go up towards his face when he tries to walk, i have him propped up in a container with my daughters barbie pillow to keep him in with the other chicks, but was wondering if i should make a foam-block-leg support type device to straighten his legs, or am i fighting an uphill battle???? all the other (10) chicks are perfect. i am having to feed and water him every few hours, as he cant get to the water/feed. Any suggestions would be great!!!
could you post some pictures of him and his legs? Can he move his legs well (pick him up and turn him over and see how much of his leg he can move and flex). i have had some chicks with leg problems that never recover but sometimes you get lucky, if there is dislocation then there is not much hope:(
If he is in pain and unable to feed himself after a few days it might be nicest to let him go...
Sorry, still learning!! I can't get a pick of him just sitting as he won't stay still, but it's almost like he doesn't know his legs are attached to his hocks, he just tries to walk on his hocks and gets all tangled up with his toes up around his head???? He was fine when he came out egg, but I think the bigger, stronger chicks pushed him to the bottom of their sleep pile, and I wonder if they haven't damaged something? Do I let him go or persevere with some sort of treatment?? How do I tell if they r dislocated, he doesn't seem to be in pain, and doesn't chirp excessively?
If his legs look normal and he is not in real pain give him a bit longer, keep ensuring he is fed and watered but also encourage him to try to move a bit by putting some food just out of reach . Put some blocks on his legs if you want and give him as long as you feel it is fair to
Good luck
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