Day old Chicks!!: 40+ breeds available: English Orpingtons, Auto Sexing Breeds, Partridge Brahmas,

Don't need many :) small homestead. If the small chance comes through, I'd like to have the chance to purchase them. Thanks for your answer/help.
I was meaning to ask what are the surprise chicks and what's the leg band identify?
the surprise chicks were a couple of white english orpingtons. They are the ones that are have the smokey grey chick down. leg bands help me keep the types of chicks separated in my big brooders or they separate which line a certain chick came from. :)
What type oy pure ameraucanas do you have?
I only have BBS but I am currently running them with my easter eggers. I get enough requests that I may separate them out again in the spring but I wanted to bring their "type" into my EE pen and I'm much more after the egg color that breeding ams to SOP so the EE/Am mix works great for the look I want and the egg color.

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