I am a bit short on orders this week, so I have 3-4 of these specials available. Chicks will ship on Tuesday 4/29 via priority express with grogel and heat pack. You may pick your chicks from the list below, first come, first served. I'm allowing you to pick chicks in a range to accommodate the unknowns of hatching. I will include at least 10 chicks plus extras (usually between 12-15 chicks just in case there are any losses in shipment).
Cost is $125 plus $45 for express shipping with heat pack.
Chicks available:
-crested cream legbar trio (unrelated pullets and cockerels) (1 male, 2-3 females)
-BBS english orpingtons (2-4 chicks)
-white english orpingtons (3-5 chicks)
-lemon cuckoo orpington (2-4 chicks)
-lavender orpington (2-5 chicks)
-buff laced polish (1-3 chicks)
-BBS laced red wyandottes (1-3 chicks)
-silkie, sizzle (frizzled and smooth) variety (2-4 chicks)
-bantam white cochins (frizzled and smooth) (2-4 chicks)
-project bantam silver laced (frizzled and smooth) (2-4 chicks)
-BBS silkies (1-3 chicks)
Cost is $125 plus $45 for express shipping with heat pack.
Chicks available:
-crested cream legbar trio (unrelated pullets and cockerels) (1 male, 2-3 females)
-BBS english orpingtons (2-4 chicks)
-white english orpingtons (3-5 chicks)
-lemon cuckoo orpington (2-4 chicks)
-lavender orpington (2-5 chicks)
-buff laced polish (1-3 chicks)
-BBS laced red wyandottes (1-3 chicks)
-silkie, sizzle (frizzled and smooth) variety (2-4 chicks)
-bantam white cochins (frizzled and smooth) (2-4 chicks)
-project bantam silver laced (frizzled and smooth) (2-4 chicks)
-BBS silkies (1-3 chicks)
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