Day Old Guesses


5 Years
Nov 13, 2018
New Zealand
Hey Guys,

For everyone more experienced with sexing Dorking chicks, do I have a pair here or are they both girls? One on the Right I'm thinking definite girl with that dark eyeliner...
IMG_20190923_171759.jpg IMG_20190923_172016.jpg

For the Wyandotte, I'm leaning boy due to the lack of wing feathering compared to the Dorkings, but the breeder wasn't sure if hers fast feather or not so may need to just wait that one out. What do you think? I'll go grab a closeup of the wing tips tonight.
One more Wyandotte on the way... hopefully. No pip yet though so that one may be a loss...
Cute chicks! I’m not sure on the genders, and I have some 10 week old Red Dorkings that I don’t recall seeing any specific color differences between them and we have 2 males and 2 females of our Dorkings. The one Dorking has pretty thick feet/toes though -maybe male? Hopefully you have a pair out of them!
So far, the Dorkings have lived up to predictions with the 'boy' colored chipmunk behaving very boyishly and already having waddle development! Spying the first pinfeathers on the chest so should be able to lay this one to rest soon.

The wyandotte, however, has me guessing - no tail feathers yet - signs of some excitable chest-bumping with his(?) Dorking brother already.
Will have to get some pics up for that one soon - at least there's no signs of waddles yet, but I have a feeling it's going to take some time to sex this one.

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