DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

you dont necesarily need a candler i just used a mini flashlight and it worked perfectly fine for me what matters it just that you dont let any other light hit the eggs thats it
Mahonri, we are also due around the 20th/21st, and we were able to clearly see development on day 5. Very cool!

We made a home made candler with a small maglite flashlight (very bright). We duct-taped a 1-inch length of plumbing pipe insulation to the end for cushioning, and to focus the light. Worked great! Duct tape is a beautiful thing. . . it's holding the insulation around my Brower incubator, too.
We have a large mag light.

Will have to try the duct tape thing on Monday.

We've made it through... 8+ full days now... less than 13 to go!!

Can't believe how 21 days can take forever.
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Boy don't I know it. I have been keeping obsessive temp/humidity records to pass the time . . . and this weekend we're building yet another pen. I think I heard a collective sigh from the neighborhood. . .
Boy don't I know it. I have been keeping obsessive temp/humidity records to pass the time . . . and this weekend we're building yet another pen. I think I heard a collective sigh from the neighborhood. . .

well, day 9 has come to a close.

Tuesday we'll be at the half way point.

Guess tomorrow I should candle.
I just candled mine yesterday on day 11 and out of 14 eggs I had 3 with no development and 11 that looked good.Saw lots of movement in a few of them.I'm tempted to go in and candle again but I know I need to leave them alone for now.Hope you have good news for us after you get done candling.Keep us posted.BTW..The small LED mag-lite I used worked great on my bufforp eggs.
Day 11. Half way. DS#4 arrives back from the Grand Canyon tonight. We'll attempt to do the candle thing this evening.

Dreamt last night I lost all my chickens.

Anyone ever have a dream like that?
No that is a bad dream. LOL I candled last night. I had to take three out they were dead in the shell.
Mine are due to hatch on the 20th/21st too.

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