DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

I'm running between 40 and 45% at present.

Will that work in this dry climate?...

Just went in to check it and it was down to 35... added water it's back up to 50.
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Is he including the cockerels that will get shipped?

Hey maybe we should start a guessing game. I already put in for mine and yes I say all six Favs to since I'm sticking my neck out anyway!

I have 24 favs in the 'bator for a friend that should pop this week... I'll let you know... I forgot to write down when I set them and I haven't candled yet... don't know why I thought I would remember but then the cow calved and the horse foaled and... and.. well I forgot!

Wish I had all the brain power I did when I was young.
Mahonri, Who knows? What works for some doesn't work for others. I tried 40-45% and live in NM, my air cells were huge! I would just check your air cells and adjust your humidity accordingly. Good luck.
So now I'm trying to keep it between 45 and 50. We'll see what happens.

Wow. 1 week and I should know!!!
I think you'll do fine. I'm at a higher altitude, with a higher evaperation rate and ran 5% higher RH than you. Mine hatched fine. Yours will probably do better, since you haven't tried to kill them like I did.
OK M I am just going to ride on your thread since I don't have enough to say to start one of my own.

I candled tonight and 23 of the 24 made the hatcher.. these are all SFs. The one that didn't was alive but looked like a day 14 egg not a day 18 egg with not filling the shell good and the aircell was to small. Too far behind to make it.

I'll post again when we hatch.

They do better when you are realxed... but my first couple of hatches I sat up all night with my face pressed into the steamy window of my hovabator praying... and nearly passed out at work the next day... so I know where you are at.
I am in Colorado and we have dry climate too. I kept mine at those exact humidity levels and I have a pip today!! So it must of worked! Well at least I hope! I think you will be fine!
I don't plan well. I have Wednesday off, but I'm working most of the day Friday and half a day on Saturday...right when the chicks should be hatching.

I'm going to tell the kids that if they touch that bator they'll be grounded for life.... Somewhere else!... like Sherriff Joe's tent city!
yeah I agree with the kids!! I told my kids if they touch the lid of the incubator right now well I would.....I just put fear in them!!! LOL!!

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