DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

If you wet your cartons then that is where your high humidity is probally coming from. They cover a large area and humidity comes from area surface not depth. Its according to how wet they are to how long it will take for them to dry out. Hopefully it will come down soon.
Well, it's down to 67% now so I'm thinking I'll probably need to add water soon.

I agree it had to have been the large surface area of the cartons that was holding in so much water.

I put a cover over the plug, but still think I'll have to add water in an hour.
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Mahonri- I hatch at around 80% humidity in my HB 1588 and haven't had them drown. I don't know if it's because I'm at such a high elevation or what? But if I incubate any lower the membrane dries out and they can't hatch.
Your elevation is way higher than mine.

The elevation of my yard is 1182 above sea level according to Google Earth.

I'm thinking it's time to add water now before my humidity plummets below 65..
Thanks. I just went in and microwaved some warm water and added a little. (BTW... I add through a tube...I'm not opening the bator!)

It ran it up to 70% but that water tray is at the back of the bator where the hygrometer is.... so I'm thinking I'm close.

I am such a worry wart. I hope I make it through Sunday... and I've got to get a lesson ready to give tomorrow night in Spanish. Wish I weren't working Saturday from 7AM to 1PM. I'm off today but I have to get ready for my accountant. I'm praying I don't owe!
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Well here I am 4 hours later, with a little sleep and it's still at 68%. I'm hoping that's not too high. (AND Hoping my hygrometer is correct!)
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8 hours later, I see some rocking of two eggs. Still day 19

Humidity 66% Temp 100.8

Keeping the fingers crossed.

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