DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!


That Speckled Sussex may never shut up. Ours squawks for a couple of hours before every egg she lays!!! Thank God she only lays a few a week!

Still rooting for your chickies, waiting for photos!!
My husband says that too, yet he put another egg in the bator the other day. I had planned on turning it off for now since we have 14 chicks and 26 "bigger"birds.

He told me that he actually saw the hen lay the egg so he wanted a chick that he could say he saw from lay to hatch. Of course I added another EE egg and two cuckoos so it wouldn't be lonely.
I picked up one of those Sprnigfield thermo?hygro from Wally World. $6.83. I checked against both of my Oregon Scientific and it was spot on. Of course, they were both made in china too.

I have one of those and they work great but I think I paid about $10 from Wally World. Hummmmm, have to watch their prices.
Well, we have 1 hatched and 8 pipped.

Beautiful little brown and white striped Speckled Sussex is out and peeps a bit and then sleeps. Still looking wet.

ALL 4 Ameraucanas now have pips. YEA!
1 Cuckoo Maran with a pip.
3 Leghorns w/ pips and one looks like he's getting ready to zip. It will be a race between that, and one of the ameraucanas.

Yet to pip. 7 leghorns
2 marans
2 Speckled Sussex
all 5 Salmon Faverolles ... they must be slow.

Humidity has gone up after the first hatch to 68% kind of worries me.

Temp holding steady at 100.8

Kids, neighobors kids and one of the neighbor moms have been in to see the chick. My little girl looked at it and said, "That's gotta be a rooster, I'm gonna name him 'Oliver'!"

We have no idea where that came from.

We have an active family room right now!
You are starting to sound like me!!

I'm waiting for him to fluff up a bit.... then PICS!

At present he is doing laps around the bator.... seriously!

I had to laugh at my kids... dad what's that in the bottom of the egg that he came out of.

"That children is his first poop!!" Then one of them said, Oh, I'm glad he did it in there and not out on the floor of the bator.... I said, Patience my son, Patience.
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