day old sick chick HELP


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 11, 2012
perth WA
so today we brought home four one day old chicks, one is not doing too well: she/he has curled toes (I have made her little sandals to try and correct that) and she has this sore on her tummy? (pic added) none of her siblings have it....she/he seems to have no energy and just wants to lay flat...siblings are off running around eating & drinking.
I have never had day old chicks so just looking for some info. he/she is super sweet but I feel like I'm going to find that she's passed away during the night.
I know that's its belly button but it seems to have a chunky scab hanging off it. is that alright?
I know that's its belly button but it seems to have a chunky scab hanging off it. is that alright?
Between its legs? If so, that is the anus. And if a chunky is hanging off of it, that is called "pasty butt". Take some warm water and a very soft cloth. Gently massage it off and throw it away. It is dried poop and if you don't get t off, the chic can't poop and it will die. No go to Tractor Supply or your local feed store.
Get the smallest bottle of either Goat Nutri-Drench or Poultry Nutri-Drench. This problem has compromised the chicks' health. . Whichever formula you choose, use these poultry instructions. Give one drop only by mouth. Repeat as needed every 8-10 hours as needed until perky.
Put 2ml per gallon in their water for the 1st 2 weeks to get them off to a strong start. The beauty of this supplement I have been using o my collies and poultry for over a decade is that ti doesn't need to be digested. It mainlines directly into the bloodstream. All Natural. measureable in the blood in 30 minutes with 99% utilization. Tho the Bovidr labs formulas are species specific, they also meet the scientific stand for a universal dosage.. So you can use the Goat if you want. I successfully raised 42 Light Sussex chicks on it last season using the instructions above. No deaths, no sickness. It gets them off to a strong start.

These chicks need no feed the 1st 48 hours. They will live off their yolk sac. It is important t their future health they completely digest the yolk sac. Give them chick grit, and the water with the Nutri-drench in it.
Best Success,
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okay thanks. but I had a look and I can see the anus it's clear this is about half an inch under the anus?

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