Day old silkies eyes wont open?? Need help please.


11 Years
Sep 25, 2008
Douglas, MA
I have a silkie that is a day old, and it hasn't been able to open it's eyes. It can open them for a minute when I wet them, but after that they stay shut again. She is the cutest little thing and I want her to live. She can't see to eat or drink. What can I do? I have searched on here, but the posts seemed to be older chicks. She was born like this.
Any help would be great, thanks.
Try brewing a cup of plain tea, red rose, salada, store brand, you get the idea. Allow to cool so as not to burn you or the bird. Take a cotton ball or you can use tea bag, soak them for a short while, the tannic acid will help remove any bacteria that could be growing or causing infection.
I believe there are some petroleum products out there for eyes, but if the tea should work, its going to save you some bucks.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Okay, the tea seems to be helping. She is not eating though. I am not sure she knows how?? What can I feed her? I gave her egg yolk and medicated mesh mixed with water. She doesn't seem sick. She stands up and everything, but I think from not being able to see that now she doesn't know how.

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