Daylight saving


Apr 19, 2015
Did anyone else forget to change the times on their automatic door? Woke up this morning looked at the clock and thought that cant be right. Checked my phone and thought crap!!! Now gotta go change it without waking the little beasts! Didn't happen. Good thing I installed some new lights in there yesterday(I spent the whole day out there winterizing :eek: and didn't remember) so their all playing in the coop as it is still dark. I dont usually supplement light but I guess we are today. My flashlight was enough light for one of the leghorn to get up and head to a box. And that prompted the rest to start rustling around so on went the light so no one got hurt trying to navigate in the dark.
Oh I was more worried about it opening while it was dark out. But mine can tell time at least until the wild birds stop singing in the morning. I've tried to trick them by covering the windows. They just shuffle around in the dark crying to do outside.

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