Days old chick crop busted open

Super glue was developed as a battlefield method of closing a wound when sutures were not available so that was great thinking on your part! Keeping the baby from gorging, and infection control are probably the only things you can do. She should heal rather quickly and I'd say frequent small meals for a while.
I don't think I've ever seen a busted open crop on a chick before.
I would get her drinking, she needs liquids, then I would only give wet chick starter for a few days. I would also check that crop to make sure it's empty in the mornings.
I don’t have anything to add, since it is already done, but there are 2 layers to glue—the crop and the skin, and thise need to be closed separately. It sounds like the chick may have cut open it’s crop on the inside of the chick feeder. Some openings can be sharp, especially on metal ones. Hopefully your chick will survive.
I'd restrict its feed until you see crop go down in size.
Had it been eating and drinking and pooping ok before this happened?
Yes, the chick was doing all of that just fine. Until it got stuck in the feeder and continued to eat. The crop was stuck in the feeder hole and I had issues getting it out of there. The chick is ok, I will try to restrict feed access, but it's so hungry :(
I am not sure if I glued the crop together ok, because now the crop is somewhat hanging weirdly, looking like a pendulous crop. I am not sure how I could make it a crop bra. I don't think that the feed is being processed or send out of the crop. Ugh :(
I will put it in its own box and won't feed. I'll give it only grit and probiotics until I see it emptying. What do I do if there's no food being processed, no excrements? Should I reopen the crop and empty, then only watery feed, no feed?
On a busted open crop?
Easier to see on an NN, at least no feathers in the way.
This one had its crop skin stretched so wide that it had no fuzz there. I tried to glue it together with the least feathers in the way. I was thinking of shaving before closing, but the skin was so rippled from being stretched out, I probably would've done more damage than good. It's holding up nicely, but the skin is so worn out that the crop is hanging lower now, so I guess I'll withhold food for now and only give water with probiotics until I see some stuff exiting the other way. It definitely has a will to live. But the poor thing is front heavy from all the new feed in it.
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I don’t have anything to add, since it is already done, but there are 2 layers to glue—the crop and the skin, and thise need to be closed separately. It sounds like the chick may have cut open it’s crop on the inside of the chick feeder. Some openings can be sharp, especially on metal ones. Hopefully your chick will survive.
This is a plastic chick feeder with no sharp edges. It managed to enclose the crop in that hole as it continued to eat. I tried to glue it together at the ripped seams. If it starts going downhill, I'll humanely cull. I will not let it suffer. But first I'll try and save it, if I can :)

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