DD has to have another emergency surgery

Thank you again, and also for your continued good thoughts and prayers if you're so inclined.
She's had a very rough time after surgery and I haven't been able to post. She's lost 10 pounds in a week and couldn't afford to lose one ounce, hasn't been able to sleep any to speak of, and now she's been feeling very ill and weak today. Thank you guys so much.
more than likely most of the weight is from liquid (blood and whatever else oozed in there before and during during surgery) loss esp. if they where pumping blood or IV fluids into her if she looses more weight call the doctor.
Check out warm diets. I had a really rough first delivery where everything that could go wrong did and I had lost tons of blood. A friend from SriLanka of course insisted on helping the poor skinny American learn how to eat after having babies. She just knew if my mom was there she would have been showing me how to do it right. Anyway according to her after any major surgery, pregnancy ( anything really where there is blood loss and physical trauma) that you must eat "warm foods". Salad was a huge no no. I can't remember it all but I know she made a custard type thing to build me up. Something like a warm rice pudding. Chicken soup I know was part of it. I swear she put ginger and tumeric in everything. Its not that everything had to be warm really. It was something to do with essence but it was very nutritionally dense. I am sure you daughter needs everything she can get to recover. I hope she feels better soon.
Biscuits and gravy are warm.
Thank you
and I do get the warm, dense-food thinking. Funny you mention ginger and turmeric because I use both of those very often, and when she's felt like eating she's been craving both of those and rice and chicken...gingered rice and chicken, egg drop soup with lots of vegetables in it, turmeric rice and chicken, and chicken soup. I make whatever favorite she wants from very rich chicken stock...right now I'm about to put another chicken carcass in the pressure cooker since my freezer's running low on it. The doc noted her weight loss and says she'll start consuming more food at each sitting the better she feels. (She lost close to the same amount when she was in the hospital with kidney issues...she just doesn't eat much when she's sick.)

We think the med they put her on is adding to her sick feeling. She'll talk to the doc again monday and see if there's a different one with less side effects. Doc says she has to take those until getting insurance authorization for the major med that she's to stay on for a long time, which takes 4-8 weeks for insurance approval according to the docs.

Thanks so much to all of you.
Make sure you add a nice amount of tumeric to your chicken stock. I make my own broth and I add extra garlic and a good tablespoon of tumeric to the big pot. Then I make dumplings. The dumplings come out very yellow but its so good and if you are feel ucky its really comforting. The kids think they are golden dumplings. I have put diced fresh ginger in soups also. Just have to be careful there is not too much. Dang that stuff is strong. Yea if I remember right just about everything had chicken in that she fed me. It makes sense though because in essence you are building the body back up. I hope as time goes on she feels better and the side effects are less.
Sourland, thank you.
...and after all you've been through. I saw a thread about sandy and my thoughts and prayers were with you and yours for your safety. My computer crashed so I was offline several days. I'm so relieved you guys were not hurt.

DD's scan results were ok...didn't show anything troubling, so docs said to go to ER if the pain increases and that more would probably be revealed at that time if something is progressing. She's feeling better overall except for the med sickness, and she still has that pain. Her boss is letting her do half days at work for now to let her work back up to returning full time over a week or so.

Thanks so much again to all of you. Your support has meant more to us both than you can know.

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