DE is AWFUL!!!

I usually experience an excessive amount of flies in my coop and run only after it rains, or if I leave table scraps laying around. (primarily, sweet corn on the cob) I have been harvesting our sweet corn from the garden, and there are partiuclar ears that go to the chickens. Sweet corn attracts flies in a bad way!
But, if I keep the run raked, and keep the un-eaten food picked up, I can't really complain.
Thank you so much for the information regarding the sand, coop cleaning, and freshener. I am really new at this. The chicks are 7 weeks old, in their coop for 1 week, making a total mess out of it (of course), so it was definitely time to clean out.

I also have sand on the bottom of the coop so, using your suggestions regarding treat like cat cleaning (lots of experience there) I am ready for the job. I already had a large "Rubbermaid" crate that I used for them when they were really little. It is perfect for storing the sand. I am lucky to have quite a bit of sand right now because I am doing some extensive remodeling in the garden. I will keep the container on the side of the coop, accessible but not intrusive.

Regarding the smells. So far I haven't had too many flies, but will definitely use the vanilla suggestions. I do have another suggestion too. I live in So. Ca. (Santa Ana area), and have many native plants in my garden. One of my favorite for it's wonderful scent is Cleveland Sage. It is an easy plant to grow, will do fine in a large pot, has pretty blue stalking flowers, and smells absolutely awesome. I have one right outside the coop and I know it makes a tremendous as I get close to the coop. I know that I will be planting more in the future. There are several Salvias that will give off different scents that should help.

I don't think I could ever do this without all of your help. I will post some pictures on my profile soon, promise.


one of each: Australop, Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Buff Brahma, Golden Lace Wyandotte, Gold Sexlink + border collie, and parakeet. Enough for now.
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I'm still new to all this but I know there is a local outdoor restaurant/bar that has ziploc bags half filled with water and there aren't ever any flies..maybe hang a few out of the chicken's reach? IDK I live in the south so this time of year they are bad and we have them in our patio (the bags) and it seems to keep them away.
try one of those hanging disposable fly traps. last year I hung one up and caught nothing, They have little bitty legs so I put the trap on the ground this year and BINGO!!! I have a trap that has caught hundreds of flies in a couple weeks time!! It works great! Its really all about location for the traps. Need to be in a somewhat sunny area and low to the ground I found out. Shaded areas they don't smell but dont catch anything either.

The only bad thing is for a week I couldn't find out what had died near my coop.. Turns out the fly traps STIIIIIIINK!!!
But I placed it just outside my coop and haven't had many flies since.
I much prefer to use wood shavings in my 4'x7' coop. One bag is $8, it lasts 6 months. No flies, no smell, no bugs, etc.

I just emptied the coop last weekend in 10 minutes using a snow shovel: wood shavings and chicken poop went into my compost pile, along with layers of leaves and food scraps/coffee grinds.

FYI: my compost pile is in the shade next to the chicken coop, the compost pile doesn't heat up much, but the earth worms love chicken coop, so after about 6 months, all of my chicken waste will be converted into worm castings...this stuff is amazing on the plants

I use pine shavings because I can get them locally (i would have to drive a ways to get construction sand) the shavings on the floor of the coop I change once a month. They don't really get it too messy. The only place I clean daily is their roosts and their nesting boxes because I don't want to stick my hand in poo collecting eggs. Sand sounds cool but don't you have to change them sometimes?

This my first time with chickens. The sand is so incredibly clean that I don't see any need for changing it in the foreseeable future. It is really amazing stuff. I love how the chicken poop dries up as soon as it hits the sand. As long as you have a Lowes by you, you'll be able to get some and it is more affordable that pine shavings. Never again will your hens have poopy pine shavings stuck to their feet as they come out of the coop. You'll just need to put some trim on the floor in all the spots where sand could spill out of the coop and then you're done. Odor free, easy to clean, wonderful sand!! I love, ❤love❤ love it!!! Your coop will be much less dusty as well! Honestly, there is no downside to sand. ✿◠‿◠
NewChcikenmommy! :

I'm still new to all this but I know there is a local outdoor restaurant/bar that has ziploc bags half filled with water and there aren't ever any flies..maybe hang a few out of the chicken's reach? IDK I live in the south so this time of year they are bad and we have them in our patio (the bags) and it seems to keep them away.

I also have seen the bag of water sometimes with a penny in it, I heard the fly see themself or magnifies penny, ...not really sure but that was the premiss!​

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