De-worming chickens.

Yes I agree! After you wrote this I checked the bottle. It is for large round worm, hair worm, and cecal worms, but NO info on their website. :/

I'm finding that levamisole products are a little ' grey ' on information. This is the one I use as a rotational wormer with fenbendazole . It has a dosage rate for ascaridia Galli only and then a stronger dose for broad spectrum use on heterakis gallinae and capillaria.

I'm finding that levamisole products are a little ' grey ' on information. This is the one I use as a rotational wormer with fenbendazole . It has a dosage rate for ascaridia Galli only and then a stronger dose for broad spectrum use on heterakis gallinae and capillaria.


Yes and the big L has a dosage for round worm and another if you want to treat for the three I mentioned. This is nowhere to be found except on the bottle. Just hope it works ok. I'm new to chooks. It just poured rain. :barnie After withholding water and such for two hours yesterday as specified. Hope they were thirsty enough at day break. 2 of my coops are large enough they don't have runs, my coop with the most chickens, my Sussex, have a run (they all free range on alternate days). I am worried that those in the run would have had too much access to rainwater, and won't be wormed properly. :/
I've read this whole thread looking for an answer to my question, but no such luck. When working with valbazen what's the best time to clean the coop? This is the 1st treatment, I will do the next in 10 days. Should I clean the coop tomorrow or the next day? Also what should I do with old bedding? I ask because I've read that valbazen is a little slower in its worm killing process and that makes me think I should stall a little on the big cleanup. Also, is there anything special I should do when cleaning. We live in a humid environment and I use pine shavings in all my coops with DE added. Though, to be honest, I'm not sure why I bother with DE anymore.

Also are there breeds less susceptible to getting worms? NN, fayoimies (sp?) SFHs? Just curious when considering future flock planning.
Timing of coop cleaning in relation to deworming doesn't matter a whole lot, if at all. Unless perhaps a coop was incredibly dirty. It's true that Valbazen works over a period of days but any worms that are in the poop will be dead anyway and worm eggs are generally not affected by dewormers anyway. That's why you need to repeat the dose in 10 days. So to make it simple, you can clean out the coop at any point.

As far as DE....I used to use it, I don't spend money on it anymore. I don't believe it to be of any great benefit but I really do not like the fine dust it creates, I don't want to breath that and I don't want my birds breathing it when they scratch up the bedding.

I don't know of any breeds of chicken less suspeptible to worms. If chickens are on the ground they will be exposed to worms and I do not believe any animal is immune. They can certainly live with a certain amount of worms, it's when the worms multiply out of control that we run into problems. I find it easiest to just do a twice a year or so deworming and keep things under control.
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Timing of coop cleaning in relation to deworming doesn't matter a whole lot, if at all.  Unless perhaps a coop was incredibly dirty.  It's true that Valbazen works over a period of days but any worms that are in the poop will be dead anyway and worm eggs are generally not affected by dewormers anyway.  That's why you need to repeat the dose in 10 days.  So to make it simple, you can clean out the coop at any point.  

As far as DE....I used to use it, I don't spend money on it anymore.  I don't believe it to be of any great benefit but I really do not like the fine dust it creates, I don't want to breath that and I don't want my birds breathing it when they scratch up the bedding.

I don't know of any breeds of chicken less suspeptible to worms.  If chickens are on the ground they will be exposed to worms and I do not believe any animal is immune.  They can certainly live with a certain amount of worms, it's when the worms multiply out of control that we run into problems.  I find it easiest to just do a twice a year or so deworming and keep things under control.

Thank you for the info. I'm honestly not sure I'm dealing with worms but wormed them as a precautionary. I will plan on doing this every spring and fall. And clean the coop as much as necessary. Thanks again!
Hi Every one,
Okay so i was just wondering how long you need to worm your chickens for exactly. See i'm using Skye's Big L Pig and Poultry wormer which is all good (since all you need to do is add it to their water and watch as it does its magic) However I can't remember whether they have it for a single day or a solid week. So if anyone could help me out that would be most appreciated, :)

(I'm sorry for barging in on TheBigWRanch's post, but i can't figure out how to create my own, so again super sorry)

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