Dead bird today :(


Apr 17, 2022
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
Came out to the coop this morning to find one of my hatchlings had passed away. I’m not sure what happened. There didn’t appear to be any wounds and he seemed perfectly fine yesterday. When I picked him up his neck was floppy, so I’m not sure if it’s broken? He was tucked away behind one of the bins they like to hide in/behind. All the “babies” are separated from the big guys, so if it was bird-on-bird, it was one of his brood mates. He liked to fly, and whenever I came into the baby side of the coop he’d fly right up to be held. I’m so sad :( but mostly I want to figure out what happened. No signs of illness in him or any of my other birds. I don’t think it was a predator, as I’d think there’d be blood or at least other dead birds. Maybe he tried to fly and ran into something and hurt himself?? Could another bird have broken his neck?
Came out to the coop this morning to find one of my hatchlings had passed away. I’m not sure what happened. There didn’t appear to be any wounds and he seemed perfectly fine yesterday. When I picked him up his neck was floppy, so I’m not sure if it’s broken? He was tucked away behind one of the bins they like to hide in/behind. All the “babies” are separated from the big guys, so if it was bird-on-bird, it was one of his brood mates. He liked to fly, and whenever I came into the baby side of the coop he’d fly right up to be held. I’m so sad :( but mostly I want to figure out what happened. No signs of illness in him or any of my other birds. I don’t think it was a predator, as I’d think there’d be blood or at least other dead birds. Maybe he tried to fly and ran into something and hurt himself?? Could another bird have broken his neck?
I'm so sorry for your loss. It must be so sad to lose a feathered friend, hopefully you'll feel better soon. :hugs
How old are they?

Yes, many people have posted where as a bird flew into something and broke their neck. It is always the favorite. I hate losing chickens.

Mrs K
Just 5 weeks 😭 he was my only barred rock cockerel. I was tossing and turning all night wracking my brain to think of anything I could have done to prevent it. I know as a cockerel I probably wouldn’t have been able to keep him anyway, unless he really outshone my RIR as a model rooster, but I’m still so sad.
No, do not feel guilty. Nothing to be guilty about. The thing is, chickens are not real long lived, and people seem to expect all of them to live, and they really don't.

If you:
  • provide adequate and good food
  • clean water in sufficient amounts
  • reasonable protection
You have nothing to feel guilty about. Chickens often have a short circle of life.

Mrs K
No, do not feel guilty. Nothing to be guilty about. The thing is, chickens are not real long lived, and people seem to expect all of them to live, and they really don't.

If you:
  • provide adequate and good food
  • clean water in sufficient amounts
  • reasonable protection
You have nothing to feel guilty about. Chickens often have a short circle of life.

Mrs K
Thank you. I *know* this, but somehow it’s still sad when it happens. I got more babies than I needed, knowing not all of them would make it to POL (and/or be boys lol). But I still love each and every one.

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