Dead chicken and ganging up

I have had to reintroduce broody hens and chicks to the flock a number of times this summer....I tried a few different ways...first was with a fence between them...then after they...the flock quit paying attention to them....I removed the worked well...the second time I had my temporary pen up and let the flock out with treats spread wide...then let the hen and her brood in....that worked ok...the last time I put the hen and Chicks into the coop in the evening....gave her a ground nest box to gather her babies in....that worked out as well....only I had to catch a couple stragglers the next evening and put them into the coop....after two days that wasn't necessary, the chicks figured it out....but with all three introductions it seemed safety in numbers helped....I'd try the partner of the gentler hens with her for a while and reintroduce them at the am treat the whole bunch when you let them out. Good Luck...

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