Dead Chicken :-(


10 Years
May 26, 2009
One of my two backyard (tractor) hens just up and died! No idea why. That was about a week ago. The other on still looks ok. I froze her and plan to thaw her this Wednesday and do an autopsy on Thursday. Im a 10-year retired paramedic and my daughter's partner has a ba in animal biology or something like that (she was gonna be a vet but didnt finish). Anyway - I think we might just know enough to be dangerous. Any suggestions before we take a look inside. Like - what my have cause a perfectly healthy chicken to be found sitting in a sleeping position (seated in bedding with head tucked in) deader than a door nail ... quite sad actually. Thanks to all that reply
First of all,

I honestly have no clue, but hopefully you can find something out from the necropsy.
always check the crop for impaction
then check belly area for an egg or build up of yellow mass (EYP)
take a look at ovaries/tubes for indication of infection

any odd droppings around?
what do you feed them?
notice any change in behavior or appetite?
age of hen?
when did she last lay an egg?

for professional necropsy..freezing not a good idea.
better to refrigerate.
Thank you all. She was about one year old. We got her when she was big, but not full grown...she layed for about 3 months, then winter and molted. Then this spring began laying again. She was a slower layer than the other bird but consistant. Thank you for that comprehensive list. I appreciate it.
For those that were interested, we posted my dead hen today. A large piece of broccoli (that I didnt cut up small enough?) was blocking the exit of an over stuffed crop. It is very sad to loose her, however, it was facinating to see where the eggs were being produced, their different stages of development and there was on in the sac with a very thin shellish like covering on it.

Thanks for all the suggestions
Incidentally, if you ever have to save them for a post by a vet (or a histopathology to determine what disease killed her), never freeze - always refrigerate. There's an article in this section about it.

Most people don't know - I sure didn't until I unfortunately had to learn with a parrot.

Hope this helps others. I'm very sorry for your loss, but glad you have some answers that it's not something contagious.

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