Dead Chicken?


6 Years
Jul 15, 2013
So, today I was going up to feed and water my chickens. Before I opened up the coop I looked at my chickens through the fencing. Well when I was looking I saw a long, stringy chord on my ramp. So after that I opened up my coop door and saw a little bit of blood on the floor. Then I looked up and saw a dead chicken in the corner. What caused this?, and what it this called?
I don't think it was a predator because my fence is built in the ground and my doors are off the ground. Also my wire as really small holes.
Sorry I don't have any pictures. My chickens might have pecked it but I don't know. I just wish I was there to see what went on.
What was the cord? Was it part of the reproductive system? Intestines?

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