Dead Chickens With No Marks???

It does almost sound like a person did it~ I would think there would have to be marks if the injuries were sustained by an animal with teeth. Unfortuantely we are surrounded by people with cruel intentions. I really hope you find out what happened.
There were 10 missing and I found the bodies of 5 of them so I don't know where the others ended up. I have just been sick about the whole thing, I felt like it was someone but I don't know who. I just can't believe people can be so cruel.
I really appreciate everyone being so kind and supportive. I think I will start putting pad locks on my pens, I hate being forced to be so cynical but I guess I need to stop trying to pretend everyone is good. I am just one of those trusting people so It is going to take some doing on my part to become more cautious but for my animals sake it needs to be done.

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