dead cornish x


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 6, 2008
our lot of 20 corn x are 8 weeks this thurs. last week we had 1 die and then today another we weighed this one and it was 8 lb. just hoping for some insight as to why this might be happenning and if we should process this weekend. we were hoping to get another week or 2
You are seeing the natural progression of the meat birds. They reach a point when their internal organs can't sustain their growth. They often begin to die from stress and related problems that cause a heart attack.
i am soooooo worried! i was supose to get 3 buff orps but axcidently grabbed a cornish or cornish x rock and i am sooooo worried that the little guy/girl will die early and i dont know if i can handle that! and in 10 weeks i will be off on a vacation do they usually die befor 10 weeks old if cornish x rock? i sure hope not i want this little chickie to live a whole chickie life.
Um, Ameri, why did you pick out a Cornish X to live out a natural life? Their life expectancy is 10 weeks. I had 2 with aneurysm's and would have died shortly.
Have you been restricting feed? They put on weight because they cannot stop eating...
We just raised our own meat, there were white mountain Rock, i killed 4 of them by over feeding, i was give them feed 24/7.
then i found out after 2 weeks age you give them 12 on 12 off, and none died after that. I was over feeding, and gave them heart attacks.
I have read messages by people who support either free choice, or restricted. We tried to restrict the food after two weeks. I had a hard time with their behavior when the food was placed again. They rushed the food and then would eat until they were tipping over because of the stuffed whatever it is that makes the one breast bulge out. I have no expierience I admit, but I don't understand how either way is very healthy really. To be honest, I am not sure at all how I feel about these birds. I understand it is what I buy in the store- but their whole exsistance is disturbing to say the least. I am hoping for great tasting chicken, because my hubby is very excited!

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