Dead egg...what to do with it?


8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
It looks as if the embryo made it to day 9 then died.... its day 12 and I am almost 100% sure it's dead.. :( What do I do with it?
Well there are four silkie fertile eggs I have in the bator and I candle every day and the three are moving and very active and the whole egg is their body not like before day 9 when half the egg is light with emptyness.... while the one egg still has the lightness and no movement with no veins anymore.
Yeah I agree it's in the bator and I'm planning on leaving it until day 15 and if no change then I would imagine it's dead....thanks for the help though :)
Well, I'm very, very curious, so generally what I've done is seal it up in a bag (like a ziploc bag), and then crack it open so I can see what's inside.
I candle every day

Why do you candle every day? I think the best thing you can do for your eggs development is to handle them as little as possible.

If you are photographing and documenting the daily development, that's different. If you are checking daily just because you can't stand the wait...........sit on your hands. It's better for the egg.

Oh, and to your question......I've placed the egg in a ziploc bag and placed it in the outside trash.

Good luck,
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