Dead hen:(


7 Years
Aug 29, 2012
Sadly, I found one of our 23 week Orps dead this afternoon. We have two other Orps- same age and three Silkies about 2 years old. "Kitty" seemed a little light when i held her last week and looking back- I saw saw her sitting and it looked like she was tucking her neck in. Like she was cold. She hadn't started laying yet and her combs were not as bright red as her sisters'. Her body was stiff when i found her, but here was no obvious cause of death. She was in the henhouse. Any ideas?? Everyone else seems completely fine. Any precautions I should take?
Wow, wish I knew what to tell you. It must be difficult after taking care of them for so long to lose one like that. I'm sorry that happened. Do all the others seem okay? Eating, drinking? No obvious trauma on the one that died, so guess it wasn't a predator. What about viruses or other avian infections?
All the other girls seem fine! They were out scratching all day long and I actually had to encourage them back in at dusk. Normal. I am kind of new to this, so I'm afraid I'm missing something- but just not sure what!! I will be watching the whole flock closely- that's for sure!

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