Dead hen


7 Years
Jul 8, 2012
I went down to my neighbors house, (she teaches me biology) and she told me that that one of her hens had died, and she has no idea how. She said she shut the 6 of them in at night, they were all fine no sign of anything wrong, and then the next morning she went to open then up and one was dead. it was deffinatley not a predator as there was no signs on marking or blood or anything on the body, and all the other hens were completley peaceful and normal. Does anyone know what could be the cause for one hen just randomly dying overnight when there was no signs of anything being wrong the previous day?, and advice or ideas would be appreciated :) ... i thought this was suitably for the thread "chicken behaviors"
it could be poison.try disease emergances and somthing.Im not a chicken expert but i do know chickens have a strong immune system but still maybe a really poisinus spider or insect sorryif im writing bad im in a hurry but thought i would answer yourqustion first.
That could be possible, but as i live in scotland we dont have any like posionous spiders or anything like that.., i will look it up though and see, thanks :)

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