dead hen


Did it look Ike any of these?
There are no foxes were my chickens are we found holes of where they were but they haven't been used for 10 years.
Possums can get in the tiniest holes so make sure the hen house is secure. This is your number one priority. The tracks in the third pic are from a fox or dog like creature. They can not retract their claws. Racoons have "thumbs" and their track is somewhat similar to possums and look like a hand print. It will be back. Secure the hen house and run if there is one and set a trap if you have access to one. I dont want to make you nervous but any animal that finds food will come back to where they found it. Had a poasum in my coop a few months ago and waited till i heard my girls making a bunch of noise at night. Good luck
all my chickens are dead now I feel like crying but I am going to get another one but it is going to be put up. I hate to cage them up but if I have to I will.
and I meant to put b or f.sorry
It happens. It is the natural way of predator and prey. Try not to feel bad. I lost almost all of my flock 3 times to dogs. I kept their house secure but they free ranged during the day. The best thing for them during the day is a couple of good roosters. I had two that would split them and go different directions. I would lose one or two but not all. Dont feel bad and good luck with the new ones.
all of mine were free range. the first two chickens I had were caged up I had my first two when they were babies. well my silkie was 2 weeks but the other one just hatch the night before I got them. the silkies name was snowball. then I had a sultan her name was butterball. butterball was the one that hatched the night before. and she was the first two die to.
snowball turned out to be a rooster. I found out that after I got a rooster.
they didn't get along. snowball would grab patrick's tail and Patrick would run.
then they finally started to get along but then snowball would attack me but I didn't have any hens. I still wish that all my chickens were still alive.

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