Dead mouse stuck in wall

Yes! These are a magnificent creation! Depending on the make and model they can be more than just great mouse deterrents and catchers.
Definitely worth considering one of these dependable creatures.
I didnā€™t notice the comment about you having cats til after I wrote that.
I would love to see a photo too. I canā€™t imagine how its set up Iā€™ve never heard of mice getting stuck like you describe.
I have a decomposing mouse stuck in thr coop wall. Obviously, it smells...short of dismantling my coop, it's going to have to stay there. Is there anything chicken safe I can put on it to speed it up or help the odor? It's stuck between 2 layers of hardware cloth and they can peck it.
Spray it with 50/50 vinegar and water... if that doesn't work, I'd dust it with garden lime.

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