Death layer with White Bresse


Jul 8, 2021
Hello everyone!

I'm new to the subject of genetics. I have only one Deathlayer Rooster. He is very fertile even though it's not common for the breed bc of lack of genetic diversity here in Canada. I'm unable to find another DL here. SO, I've decided to cross him with a different chicken that I already have. I have White Bresse, Blue Bresse, Svart Hona, and Blue Brahma to choose from so I figured I'd try out one of my White Bresse Hens to mate with, then 2nd gen breed back to father etc. I'm wondering if I'm going down the right path here? At the end of the day I would like all progeny to look like Deathlayers. I was hoping to find a breed 'closer' to him like a Campine or Braekel but it's not possible near me. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks all!
Silver spangled Hamburgs! Anything else will not get you the results you want. In the end, it’s less time and money getting the actual breed than breeding for it. BUT Silver Spangled Hamburgs are very similar to Deathlayers.
They are actually only seperated from silver pencilled Hamburgs (very rare, same pattern as Deathlayers) by one gene.
Order from a hatchery. Hamburgs are actually pretty similar in type to Deathlayers, and I think they are probably related. You could start your own line from there. The Ml gene that makes spangling is dominant and therefore while you get it in the first generation, you won’t have to breed out carriers.
Thank you for your reply Amer. That is very interesting. I assumed that the gene was a barring gene in my death layer. I did not know that it was actually spangling. Is spangling sex-linked too might I ask? I will be on the hunt for a silver spangled hamburg! I see many breeders in the US,...not so much for Canada, but I'll do a more thorough job researching this week and see if I can find one! Thanks again for all tips.
Thank you for your reply Amer. That is very interesting. I assumed that the gene was a barring gene in my death layer. I did not know that it was actually spangling. Is spangling sex-linked too might I ask? I will be on the hunt for a silver spangled hamburg! I see many breeders in the US,...not so much for Canada, but I'll do a more thorough job researching this week and see if I can find one! Thanks again for all tips.
It is called autosomal barring or transverse pencilled. It is not sexlinked, nor is spangling, it is caused by multiple genes. You’re welcome!
Oh and another question if you don't mind, do you know they're only 1 gene away? Is there a book I should get? Or is it a website calculator of some sort? lol
P.S. I think I may have just found one not too far away from me. woohooo!
Oh and another question if you don't mind, do you know they're only 1 gene away? Is there a book I should get? Or is it a website calculator of some sort? lol
P.S. I think I may have just found one not too far away from me. woohooo!
Here you can select birds based on their color from the drop down. If you go to Crossing Over you can look at the genes and mess with them.
This site explains all the common genes.
I learned about the patterns of Hamburgs from 21st Century Poultry Breeding, though that is a more complicated book. I’d recommend
It has less pictures and is a bit more dull imo. There is also
Which seems really straightforward and I want it but it’s too expensive for me.
Silver spangled Hamburgs! Anything else will not get you the results you want. In the end, it’s less time and money getting the actual breed than breeding for it. BUT Silver Spangled Hamburgs are very similar to Deathlayers.
They are actually only seperated from silver pencilled Hamburgs (very rare, same pattern as Deathlayers) by one gene.
Order from a hatchery. Hamburgs are actually pretty similar in type to Deathlayers, and I think they are probably related. You could start your own line from there. The Ml gene that makes spangling is dominant and therefore while you get it in the first generation, you won’t have to breed out carriers.
Or gold spangled Hamburgs based on what color the deathlayer is.

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