*Death Lurks at Night* A Fantasy RP

(Also, I do have some species suggestions.
Aberrations. Look up Aberrations from Wayward Pines. You'll get the idea.
Kikimoras. They're cool.
There could also be something without eyes, because eyeless things are for some reason considered creepy. Trying to think of something...
I think there should at least be some creepy monsters. They don't look good, they aren't all fancy-pretty. Creepy things are fun!)
Name:Eer(Sounds like Ear)
Appearance(keep in mind their skin is bluish-black, and is see through. Just how they look other than that)he has blueish-black skin and white hair
Relationship status:Horrable
Personalilty:evil, ruthless.

Form for Werewolf:
Relationship status:Good/Great
Appearance:She is 5'3 and very pale.her eyes are a icy blue and she has jet black hair.
Appearance as wolf:black fur with orange eyes.
Personality:shy, quiet.
Other:she is very weak for the lack of food she has eaten.she also has a long scar on her arm.
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Name:Eer(Sounds like Ear)
Appearance(keep in mind their skin is bluish-black, and is see through. Just how they look other than that)he has blueish-black skin and white hair
Relationship status:Horrable
Personalilty:evil, ruthless.

Form for Werewolf:
Relationship status:Good/Great
Appearance:She is 5'3 and very pale.her eyes are a icy blue and she has jet black hair.
Appearance as wolf:black fur with orange eyes.
Personality:shy, quiet.
Other:she is very weak for the lack of food she has eaten.she also has a long scar on her arm.
(Accepted! RPing may begin)
Mabuka was in a stream, cleaning her scales and enjoying the feeling of the warm water. She had taken her golden earrings off so she wouldn't get them wet and possibly mess them up, but quickly put them back on once she was clean. Leaving the stream, she then leaned against a tree to sit in the sun.
Charlotte wondered through the silent forest, stopping at the stream to drink from the cool, pure water. She sat down on a mossy rock by the waters edge, and stared at her pale reflection in the stream.
Mabuka was in a stream, cleaning her scales and enjoying the feeling of the warm water. She had taken her golden earrings off so she wouldn't get them wet and possibly mess them up, but quickly put them back on once she was clean. Leaving the stream, she then leaned against a tree to sit in the sun.
(I will have a Blade interact with her)

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