Debantic 50 WP for mites and lice


Oct 21, 2020
I have a small flock consisting of 8 chickens in Southern Ontario, Canada. My coop is completely predator proof other than the redwing blackbirds and starlings that share the feed with my flock. I noticed that a few of my birds after winter had sad looking feathers and 2 had bare bums. Upon further inspection I found lice. I contacted my local feed store and they said the only thing they had was DE. Nothing else was available for mite/lice treatment.

Then one of my hens became sick and I had our local vet come for a house call. Upon his inspection of my sick chicken I also mentioned my flock having lice. He offered to sell me a bag of Debantic. I jumped on the the very expensive offer (ontop of his housecall for a sick chicken that neither of us could figure out the cause, but that's another story)
I bought the bag of Debantic and did my research afterwards. What I've found is little to nothing on info on this pesticide. I am very apprehensive to use it.

Can anyone please tell me if they've ever used Debantic on their flock? I do not want to harm my chickens, my children that eat their eggs, or the surrounding environment in using it.

Thank you for your time
There's some information about it on google, and check your current list of approved drugs for poultry.
It's not sold in the USA, so check Canadian sources.
It should be effective, the question is about it's approval and any egg withdrawal times.
It's an organophosphate, so follow directions very carefully, because poisoning is possible!
Did you find out anything more about the Debantic? I have just found lice in my coop and have no idea how to treat it when we can't get the proper stuff here.
Unfortunately I found very little info on Debantic. It really is a pain living in Canada where NOTHING is available for mite/lice treatment! I had a hen go broody the day before we were going to use it so we've decided to let her hatch out her eggs before applying it for fear of harming the chicks. I scrubbed out the coop and sprayed a fine mist of neem oil everywhere. After letting it dry I dusted with DE and also put some in their dust bath. (I am not keen on using DE either)
The Debantic was very expensive (approx $170)
If my flock still battles lice in the future, after the chicks are born, I will consider using it when they are older. So far everyone seems happier and bug free but I don't know how long that will last.
I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help but the lack of info on it has made me hold off on using it.
Please add any updates if you decide to use Debantic and I will as well in the future if needed.
Unfortunately I found very little info on Debantic. It really is a pain living in Canada where NOTHING is available for mite/lice treatment! I had a hen go broody the day before we were going to use it so we've decided to let her hatch out her eggs before applying it for fear of harming the chicks. I scrubbed out the coop and sprayed a fine mist of neem oil everywhere. After letting it dry I dusted with DE and also put some in their dust bath. (I am not keen on using DE either)
The Debantic was very expensive (approx $170)
If my flock still battles lice in the future, after the chicks are born, I will consider using it when they are older. So far everyone seems happier and bug free but I don't know how long that will last.
I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help but the lack of info on it has made me hold off on using it.
Please add any updates if you decide to use Debantic and I will as well in the future if needed.
Thank you for the reply. I have a Momma hen with 4 chicks 3 days old and am concerned about using anything. I also have 15 chicks 2 1/2 weeks old that I was going to move to the coop tomorrow as they have seriously outgrown their brooder. Ug!
Unfortunately I found very little info on Debantic. It really is a pain living in Canada where NOTHING is available for mite/lice treatment! I had a hen go broody the day before we were going to use it so we've decided to let her hatch out her eggs before applying it for fear of harming the chicks. I scrubbed out the coop and sprayed a fine mist of neem oil everywhere. After letting it dry I dusted with DE and also put some in their dust bath. (I am not keen on using DE either)
The Debantic was very expensive (approx $170)
If my flock still battles lice in the future, after the chicks are born, I will consider using it when they are older. So far everyone seems happier and bug free but I don't know how long that will last.
I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help but the lack of info on it has made me hold off on using it.
Please add any updates if you decide to use Debantic and I will as well in the future if needed.
Can you tell me how you applied the neem oil? Where did you get it, what brand and concentration?
If your birds have mites or lice, the broody hen and her chicks are very vulnerable to debility or death from those parasites. Treat their bedding, at least, and the mama hen if possible.
Miserable blood sucking little monsters!
If your birds have mites or lice, the broody hen and her chicks are very vulnerable to debility or death from those parasites. Treat their bedding, at least, and the mama hen if possible.
Miserable blood sucking little monsters!
The main problem now is what to treat them with. We can't get permethrin. I will call my vet, although they are not that used to chickens.

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